Coriolus versicolor Detailed Scientific Review

Mushrooms have been used for at least 5000 years for nutritional and medicinal purposes1,2. Anti-viral and anti-cancer effects have been demonstrated in more than 50 species through animal and in vitro studies. Six components of these mushrooms have been investigated for their activity in human cancers: the lentinan component of shiitake, schizophyllan, active hexose correlated compound (AHCC), maitake D-fraction and two components of Coriolus versicolor. According to the review by Kidd, lentinan and schizophyllan have limited oral bioavailability, and the AHCC and maitake D-fractions are still in the early stages of investigation, but the two Coriolus versicolor components have been extensively investigated and show promise2.

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What is Coriolus Versicolor?

Coriolus Versicolor is the most well researched mushroom in the world. Coriolus versicolor (formerly known as Trametes versicolor, Polyporus versicolor) is a mushroom that grows on tree trunks. In Japan it is known as kawaratake (“mushroom by the river bank”), and in China it is called Yun Zhi or “cloud fungus.” This mushroom, which has long been treasured in the Far East is now accepted worldwide for its effectiveness and safety of use. It has been more intensively researched around the world than any other mushroom species.

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Yun Zhi Polysaccharopeptide (PSP) and the general aspects of its research

Yun Zhi Polysaccharides (PSP) is a new type of BRM (Biological Response Modifier) extracted from the deep layer cultivated mycelia of Cov-1 strain of Yun Zhi (Coriolus versicolor). Its active ingredient is a protein bound polysaccharides used in the BRM therapy of tumors. Its characteristics and the general aspects of its research are briefly introduced in this paper

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The Main Functions of Yun Zhi

Yun Zhi, commonly known as coriolus versicolor, is a wonderful remedy for health and healing. Yun Zhi’s shelf-like fruiting bodies form dense, overlapping clusters on tree trunks. The mushroom caps have plush velvety surfaces and are coloured in varying shades of brown or gray, with a distinctive alternating-band pattern of light and dark colours. Many international journals support the positive effects of Yun Zhi on health. Nowadays, many medical and nutritional studies find that the key active ingredient of Yun Zhi, polysaccharides, has greatly contribute to, relieving pain, improve immune functions, reduced anti- asphyxia, and enhance cell regeneration. According to experiments, polysaccharides can also help promote anti-tumors without negative side effects.

  • Contains amino acids, minerals, and other nutritionals to maintain health
  • Enhances immune function; balances the endocrine system
  • Helps to relieve allergies and pains
  • Reduces blood sugar to normal levels
  • Enhances the function of the liver, helps to detoxify organs
  • Improves the digestive system, addresses constipation
  • Helps to regenerate useful cells, improves the elasticity of skin
  • Greatly contributes to produce anti-tumor substances

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